4.22.13 My little red friend has bitten the dust

My morning routine involves getting out my favorite black-and-white enamel cup, putting it under the spout of my little red coffee-maker, and hitting GO! 

After adding the water and K-cup of course.

Within minutes the scent of freshly brewed coffee - otherwise known as Life's Essential Juice - is wafting through the house.

Well, this morning my little red friend let me down. :(    Add water, add K-cup, push GO.... and nada.  No coffee.  No wafting aromas.  Just a whirring sound for a while, and then nothing. 

This is tragic.

Rest in peace, my little red buddy.  I'll cherish all the mornings we spent together. 


  1. NooooooOOOOOOoooooo....

    My condolences. So sorry. I will now live in fear of the day MY Keurig bites the dust. sniffle.

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and taking time to leave a comment. Made my day.

    Your blog header is gorgeous!

  2. Oh no, sorry to hear of your poor Keurig! Mine seems to be acting up lately...(way worried now!). At least we have the other pot, but I use the Keurig so much! Great coffee cup, by the way! (stopping by from SITs)

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by!

      I had a coupon for Kohl's, so I went and bought another one. I kept my receipt this time, but hopefully I won't need it. :)

      The coffee cup came from that line of enamelware that Pioneer Woman recommends. It was a splurge for me, but I LOVE it!!
