5.4.13 What to do with a broken bicycle

If you look closely at this picture, you'll see that one handle-bar is broken off.  Pretty hard to ride a bike in that condition.

I've pinned many photos on Pinterest that involved old bicycles leaning up against buildings, fences, etc.  I love the look it invokes of having just jumped off of your bicycle to run inside to have a cup of tea with a friend.

So I was overjoyed when this bicycle got broken. Ha!  A couple of coats of white spray paint was all it took to transform it to garden-ready.  I change the flowers with the seasons, and this is one of my VERY favorite outdoor decor items.  It makes me smile every time I look at it.

Do you have a broken bicycle in the back of your garage?  Grab a can of spray paint and go to town! 


  1. Love that, it turned out beautiful. I will be looking at broken bikes in a totally different light from now on lol

    1. A restaurant near me has a bunch of them spray painted white and nailed to trees. Lol. Apparently a lot of different options. ;)
